In this new edition, we want our little ones from all the supermarkets in Galicia to show us their best ideas to reduce, recycle and reuse. Our mascot Floriposa and his gang want a better planet to live in and that is why they are looking forward to the little ones drawing us their ideas to take care of the Environment.
Participating is very simple! Ask for a sheet to draw in your usual supermarket and… Lets paint! At home, do you separate waste into different containers? Do you use your waxes and take advantage of them until the end? Do you brush your teeth with the tap turned off and only turn it on to rinse? Do you take advantage of all the pieces of paper until there is no room left to continue painting? Tell us your ideas so that in the future we live in a better world.
Find all the information about the contest in the legal bases that we attach below.
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