The Aquie and Plenus supermarkets, in its XIII edition of the Childrens Drawing Contest on the theme “Floriposa coida do Medio Ambiente”, through a professional jury, have decided to award the following prizes:
1st Prize: Lua Ramos Formoso, 10 years old and who delivered her drawing at Plenus Hispanidad, Vigo.
2nd Prize: Nicolas Carvajal Seidel, 7 years old and who delivered his drawing at Plenus A Granxa, in Ourense.
3rd Prize: Raul Pineiro Alonso, 5 years old and who delivered his drawing at Plenus Remedios, also in Ourense.
Thank you all for participating! You can go through your usual supermarket to pick up a small gift for your imaginative participation starting this Wednesday, July 6.
You can see the winning drawings in the following link:
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